Monday, April 6, 2009

A Boy Named Wisdom

So, on Saturday several children from Nalerigu wandered around the hospital grounds and, as they did two years ago, they love interacting with visiting volunteers. I remember meeting a boy named Wisdom. Who would forget that name? Well, on Sunday morning as we were rounding at the hospital, a nurse introduced herself as Wisdom's mother. She had a story to tell me confidentially later. Her son had supposedly told some visitors that his mom had died and he was hoping for some play toys. The nurse thought maybe it was me he told and she wanted to apologize for him lying.

Wisdom did not tell me, but I am thankful to be included in what was to follow....
It was very important that the mom apologize and she asked when I would be free to meet with Wisdom. So, we set up a time for today after work. We finished work around 7 pm tonight and who was there to meet me at the hospital? Wisdom and his friend, Assani.

Wisdom apologized for telling the lie. I told him that he was not in trouble with me since he didn't lie to me, but I was thankful he was talking about it with me. I asked him why he felt he needed to say that. He humbly and in his precious child-like voice said, "because I thought if I said my mom died, I'd have a better chance of getting to go to America."

Wow. The Holy Spirit spoke through me telling him that America is not always better--that home is where his family is. We talked about forgiveness and how we don't need to make up big things to get a big kind of help. God loves us so much that He will always provide for our needs even without embellishment to others. He is a very capable God. He has plans to prosper this child and his family, not to harm them, but to give him a hope and a future. We had this chat at nearly sunset as we walked under the trees down the red dirt road on the way back to the house. I even asked Wisdom at the begninning if he wanted to talk tomorrow instead, since it was so late. He said, "No, I want to talk tonight." Okay then. Do not let the sun go down on your anger.... The sun was setting and this boy had to get right with God. What a courageous boy. We talked about the meaning of his name, Wisdom, and how God was giving him lessons to put his name into practice. We gathered in a circle outside the house and prayed over Wisdom and Assani. It was fantastic and truly touching. Before I went inside the house, Wisdom still looked concerned. I came back to him asking what else was bothering him. He humbly said, "I am thirsty." My heart broke and I quickly ran in the house to get them both some water.

My mind went straight to John 7:37, "If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink." and Matthew 25:40, "The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'"

Wisdom learned about wisdom and so did I.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for your blogs! It is so refreshing to hear you talk about doing God's work and also appreciate you portraying Ghana and Africa in a positive light. And God bless you for all that you do! So inspiring! Take care and will be praying for you and your co-workers!
